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Rainbow Bridge Garden
Rainbow Bridge Garden
Rainbow Bridge, is a poem a friend sent us, after our beloved Golden Retriever, Max died. It’s about a special place in heaven where our pets who have died are pain free and happy, except for missing us. The idea inspired this painting with all the pets I’ve loved and who wait for me.
Yes, including Geri the Gainesville, Texas Community Circus Elephant. My home town had a delightful, successful community, traveling circus, which closed in the 50’s, due to a fire destroying tents, wagons and other vital circus equipment and the new televisions for entertainment and air conditioning to keep everyone one cool.
My Grandfather, Poppy, was my best friend. He was also a prestidigitator, always full of surprises. The summer of my 5th birthday, Poppy took me to the city park, where Geri greeted us with a loud trumpet. Poppy said, “Look at what I got you, Pumpkin!”
I immediately started to worry about how could I take care of this big beautiful animal, that I loved so much, when my parents wouldn’t let me take care of our German Shepherd? Poppy reassured me that he would get me lots of help. Geri became the star of the Frank Buck Zoo. Geri’s predecessor lives in an Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.